and how the harvard architecture (didn’t really) fail
For quite a long time, esolangs like Brainfuck have struck something in me, kind of like how curiosity would feel when mixed with the fear of complexity. Recently, however, I found myself writing a Brainfuck interpreter for fun as the chosen weekend project.
Brainfuck turned out being simply a virtual turing machine with basic I/O capabilities. It all starts with a “memory” band of data (or bits) all of which are grouped in subdata blocks (or bytes). All of Brainfuck’s operations are performed over this memory band and its subblocks, i.e. all programs are made to move around and mutate this band, just like in Turing’s original computer machine model.
0 | 0 | 0 | 0 || 0 || 0 | 0 | 0 | 0
^ | ^
| | |
tape ---+ | |
| |
cell --------+ |
head (pointer) ---+
This is incredibly* flexible, as, in the context of nowadays’s memory models, you can assign possible values to each cell and, as such, support all of the ascii and extended-ascii characters for text printing, you can “imitate” function arguments by defining delimiters (such as the nul ‘\0’ terminator), make an infinitely long text editor, etc.
*incredible: non-credible
However, this memory-and-program mental model leaves a singular incognito variable floating around:
Where are programs stored?
In his 1948 essay, “Intelligent Machinery”, Turing wrote that his machine consists of:
…an unlimited memory capacity obtained in the form of an infinite tape marked out into squares, on each of which a symbol could be printed. At any moment there is one symbol in the machine; it is called the scanned symbol. The machine can alter the scanned symbol, and its behavior is in part determined by that symbol, but the symbols on the tape elsewhere do not affect the behavior of the machine. However, the tape can be moved back and forth through the machine, this being one of the elementary operations of the machine. Any symbol on the tape may therefore eventually have an innings.
- Turing 1948, p. 3
This definition strikes a little too close to home; however, this small excempt does not define where are the rules that mandate the head supposed to be at. For this, Turing defined a “head” which was programmed with a finite table of “instructions” which defined where would the head go, what would it do or what new state would it take based on the current block’s value.
If we were to make an analogy of the Turing Machine and modern computers, this set of instructions may be close to what we know as a programs, which are stored in memory.
In it [On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem, by Alan Turing] he [Alan Turing] described a hypothetical machine he called a universal computing machine, now known as the “Universal Turing machine”. The hypothetical machine had an infinite store (memory in today’s terminology) that contained both instructions and data.
Von Neumann would later on define a proto-architecture that influenced most modern computers, based on this stored-program approach.
However, when writing my Brainfuck interpreter, I realized how the model I built was far from storing the actual program in the same memory that was used by it.
const Runtime = struct {
pub fn execProg(self: *Self, program: *std.ArrayList(bytec.BfBytecodeOp)) !void {
const program_slice = program.items;
var program_counter: usize = 0;
const stdout =;
while (program_counter < program_slice.len) {
const memval = try self.memory.fetch();
switch (program_slice[program_counter].raw_op) {
pardon the mess of my code
As you can see, I allocate a memory block for the runtime and then I execute the
program, which, by the time I call execProg
, is already stored somewhere else.
This aligns more with another computer model which is not that popular nowadays:
The Harvard Architecture
The Harvard architecture is a computer architecture with separate storage and signal pathways for instructions and data. It is often contrasted with the von Neumann architecture, where program instructions and data share the same memory and pathways. This architecture is often used in real-time processing or low-power applications.
This relates to what I did for brainkit because the line where I
fetch program instructions (program
) is different than the one where these
instructions act (Runtime::memory
In theory, the Harvard architecture allows for a parallelizable streamlined access to programs, where a single Harvard computer can read and execute instructions and memory at the same time, and memory and for an isolated environment for programs.
This allows, for example, data to be read from disk storage into memory and then executed as code, or self-optimizing software systems using technologies such as just-in-time compilation to write machine code into their own memory and then later execute it. Another example is self-modifying code, which allows a program to modify itself.
Why was this model not as popular as Von Neumann’s one?
Judging by what I’ve been reading, the Harvard computer model, when implemented purely, was (and is, in some cases) way less flexible to work with due to the requirement for different sets of instructions (and functions).
There is also a modified Harvard model, which is used nowadays by most computer architectures. Separated memory spaces physically is something that the CPU ultimately will not really differentiate and:
[…] internally and largely invisible to the user, most designs have separate processor caches for the instructions and data, with separate pathways into the processor for each.
The Harvard Architecture never lost the war of computer architectures; in fact, it became an integral part as a concept to modern computing.